Research and evaluation are core components of the early childhood field. The Institute has compiled a list of seminal early childhood research that form the foundation of the modern early childhood care and education sector. You will also find here links to new policy papers or reports that highlight the many sectors and professions that touch the lives of young children and their families.
New York State Education Department
The task of revising the Early Learning Standards provided an opportunity to articulate a shared understanding of what young children can achieve with our support. Across New York State, educators, community members, researchers, and policymakers all advocated for what would be best for all children
Center for the Study of Child Care Employment
The Early Childhood Workforce Index represents the first effort to establish a baseline description of early childhood employment conditions and policies in every state and to track progress on a state-by-state basis to improve early childhood jobs.
The Early Learning Career Pathways Initiative, supported by the U.S. Departments of Education and Health and Human Services (the Departments), examines the current state of career pathways in the early learning industry intended to meet the skill, employment, and advancement needs of low-income, low-skilled adults who are in or entering this field.
The US Department of Education & The US Department of Health and Human Services
The report describes the challenges that the early childhood workforce faces in providing high quality care and education for our youngest children and the challenges that compensation presents to expanding quality.
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) and National Research Council (NRC)
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) and National Research Council (NRC) were commissioned to explore the implications of the science of child development for the professionals who work with children birth through age 8.
Center for the Study of Child Care Employment
This report, released in 2015, looks at how higher education programs have evolved over the last decade, examines how institutions of higher education are adapting to emerging research and changes in the California policy environment, and offers recommendations to address the field’s current limitations.
NYS Office of Children and Family Services
An annual statistical summary of statewide child care capacity and subsidized child care.
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo formed the Common Core Task Force (Task Force) to undertake a comprehensive review of the current status and use of the Common Core State Standards in New York, and to recommend potential reforms to the system.
New report and data visualization tool offer ideas on birth-3rd grade policies that support children's literacy development and rank all 50 states and Washington, DC on whether they have these policies in place.
Administration for Children and Families
This 50-state profile project plus the District of Columbia, excluding territories, migrant and tribal information provides a snapshot of early childhood data available for children who are experiencing homelessness in each state.