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Welcome to CAPS Online Support

About CAPS Online Support

The Administration for Childrens Services (ACS) has launched the CAPS Online system, a new web-based childcare attendance reporting system. All ACS child care providers are required to use this system to record and submit daily time in and time out attendance online, using a computer, tablet, or smartphone. CAPS Online Support is here to help! We are offering a series of live training webinars and technical assistance to childcare programs and providers on the use of the new system. (Click or Read) below to learn more.

Getting Started with CAPS Online

Watch the video below to learn how to create your account and log into CAPS Online.

Cómo empezar con CAPS Online

Vea el video abajo para aprender cómo crear su cuenta e iniciar sesión en CAPS Online.

Training Registration

CAPS Online Training - Programs (English)

Center-based programs often have very different experiences and schedules than legally-exempt (informal) or licensed providers. This training will help you fit CAPS Online into your regular routine, tailored specifically to center-based programs!

CAPS Online Training - Providers (English)

Licensed and legally-exempt (informal) providers often have very different experiences and schedules than center-based programs. This training will help you fit CAPS Online into your regular routine, tailored specifically to licensed and legally-exempt (informal) providers!

CAPS Online Training - Providers (Spanish)

Los proveedores autorizados y legalmente exentos (informales) a menudo tienen experiencias y horarios muy diferentes a los de los programas basados ​​en centros. ¡Esta capacitación lo ayudará a adaptar CAPS Online a su rutina habitual, diseñada específicamente para proveedores autorizados y legalmente exentos (informales)!

CAPS Online Video Tutorials and Guides

We have PDF manuals and video tutorials for both center-based voucher programs and licensed and legally-exempt (informal) providers. Full manual and videos are available below, Click through for a list of smaller topic-specific tutorial videos and guides.

View the full tutorial video here or click below to access tutorials and guides for individual sections below. To receive professional development credit, you must register for and attend a CAPS Online Training Webinar.

Vea el tutorial completo en video aquí o haga clic abajo para acceder a los videos y las guías sobre temas indivíduos. Para recibir el crédito de desarollo profesional, Ud. Debería registrarse para un Entrenamiento en Línea de CAPS Online y asistir al entrenamiento.

The New York Early Childhood Professional Development Institute

The NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute is working with ACS to assist with the launch and use of the CAPS Online system. The Institute will be responsible for providing a series of training events and technical assistance aimed at preparing programs and providers to use the CAPS Online system.

For more help with CAPS Online, or any questions
phone: +1 (212) 835 7610, press * (star)
or visit the Help Center
You can also find more information by visiting
the ACS website .
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